Animal Health Topic

Examining and medicating the ears of a dog

Most dogs don’t like having their ears examined, cleaned, or medicated, however, with a little patience and practice, you should be able to perform these tasks at home. Some dogs will happily sit in your lap or on a table while you clean or medicate their ears, but many require some form of restraint. Ear […]

Adult chocolate lab laying in the sun.

Heart valve malfunction in dogs (mitral insufficiency)

Many dogs slowly develop degenerative thickening and progressive deformity of one or more heart valves as they age. In time, these changes cause the valve, most commonly the mitral valve, to leak. While it can lead to heart failure, many dogs with the condition never show signs of the disease outside of a loud heart […]

Dog with a heart monitor on.

Vomiting pets

Vomiting is a common problem in dogs and cats, and there are many causes, some of which can be managed at home and others that can be quite serious and require veterinary care. A problem that can be confused with vomiting is regurgitation. Vomiting is the ejection of contents of the stomach and upper intestine; […]

Black Labrador laying down, and looking very sad.

Common spinal injuries in dogs

What are the most common spinal injuries in dogs? Two of the most common spinal injuries in dogs are fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) and acute non-progressive nucleus pulposus extrusion. Both conditions cause temporary paralysis and weakness, particularly in the hind legs. The disorders are mainly seen in large breed dogs but can occur in miniature schnauzers […]

Dog just about to have an MRI.

Bathing your dog

While some dogs don’t enjoy bath time, they all need regular bathing and the occasional emergency soak after a roll in something smelly. Regularly bathing your pet is essential for maintaining the health of their skin and fur – and it can help keep odors down. How often should I bathe my dog? How often […]

Rottweiler getting rinsed off.

Lyme Disease

What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne disease (transmitted by insects or arthropods) in people, is caused by corkscrew-shaped bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, carried by ticks that transmit the infection when they feed on animals and humans. In the United States, Lyme disease occurs predominantly on the Pacific Coast, the Midwest, and Atlantic Coast […]

Close up image on a tick on a dog's leg.

Antifreeze poisoning in dogs and cats

Antifreeze is extremely toxic to animals and can cause fatal kidney failure. Unfortunately, dogs and cats find the liquid quite tasty and will eagerly drink it up when given the chance. What should I do if my pet ingests antifreeze? Contact a veterinarian immediately if you see your pet drinking antifreeze or suspect it had […]

Siamese cat drinking from a puddle on a driveway.

Salmon Poisoning

What is salmon poisoning disease? Salmon poisoning disease is a potentially fatal condition seen in only dogs after they eat certain types of raw fish, like salmon and other anadromous fish (fish that swim upstream to breed), that are infected with a parasite called Nanophyetus salmincola. The parasite is relatively harmless except when it is infected […]

Burmese Mountain Dog at the edge of a river full of Sockeye Salmon.