
Heart valve malfunction in dogs (mitral insufficiency)

Many dogs slowly develop degenerative thickening and progressive deformity of one or more heart valves as they age. In time, these changes cause the valve, most commonly the mitral valve, to leak. While it can lead to heart failure, many dogs with the condition never show signs of the disease outside of a loud heart […]

Dog with a heart monitor on.

Anal sac disease

When your dog scoots its rear end across the floor it most likely isn’t due to worms. Dogs scoot when their anal sacs are uncomfortable. Anal glands and anal sacs are part of normal canine anatomy, and every canid from wolves to Chihuahuas have them. What are anal glands and anal sacs? Anal glands are […]

Dog pooping in field.

Chronic kidney disease and failure

What is chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats? Chronic kidney disease is kidney disease that has been present for months to years. Chronic renal disease, chronic renal failure, and chronic renal insufficiency refer to the same condition. What are the symptoms of chronic kidney disease in pets? Because the kidneys have so many functions, […]

Black and white close up image of a cat drinking water.

Lyme Disease

What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne disease (transmitted by insects or arthropods) in people, is caused by corkscrew-shaped bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, carried by ticks that transmit the infection when they feed on animals and humans. In the United States, Lyme disease occurs predominantly on the Pacific Coast, the Midwest, and Atlantic Coast […]

Close up image on a tick on a dog's leg.