Common Problems


What causes diarrhea in dogs and cats? Diarrhea in dogs and cats can be caused by stress, viruses, bacteria, parasites, foreign bodies (including bones, sticks, and other objects), diet, food allergies, toxins, tumors, disease, and more. Your ability to answer questions about your pet’s diet, habits, environment, and specific details about the diarrhea can help […]

DVM student Dalen Wood with dog in exam room at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Vomiting pets

Vomiting is a common problem in dogs and cats, and there are many causes, some of which can be managed at home and others that can be quite serious and require veterinary care. A problem that can be confused with vomiting is regurgitation. Vomiting is the ejection of contents of the stomach and upper intestine; […]

Black Labrador laying down, and looking very sad.

Anal sac disease

When your dog scoots its rear end across the floor it most likely isn’t due to worms. Dogs scoot when their anal sacs are uncomfortable. Anal glands and anal sacs are part of normal canine anatomy, and every canid from wolves to Chihuahuas have them. What are anal glands and anal sacs? Anal glands are […]

Dog pooping in field.

How to tell if your pet is in pain

Pain is universal and one of the most common feelings animals can convey. Most owners can detect a limp or a painful cry, but pain that’s chronic or moderate enough to withstand takes more scrutiny to recognize. When it comes to detecting pain, you should look for a change or abnormality in your pet’s behavior. […]

Collage of animals. Clockwise from top right, bulldog, horse rolling in dirt, cow in tall grass, cat licking its paw, and a parakeet that is preening.


If your pet is having a seizure, remain calm. Note the time the seizure started and how long it lasted, as this information could be helpful to your veterinarian. To prevent your animal from hurting itself, attempt to move it away from hard objects like stairs and furniture. Cushion its head and gently hold and […]

Dog prepped and beginning have an MRI performed.

Urinary incontinence in dogs

Urinary incontinence, or the involuntary passing of urine, is a fairly common problem in dogs. It is usually caused by a medical condition, and your dog likely is not aware it’s happening. Although it can happen at any age, it is more common in middle- to senior-aged dogs and females. Severity can range from small […]

Terrier at a Healthy People Healthy Pets event.

Megaesophagus: Individualized videofluoroscopic feeding evaluation

What is a feeding evaluation for dogs with megaesophagus? An individualized videofluoroscopic feeding evaluation will help to create tailored feeding, hydration, and medication plans for dogs with megaesophagus. Megaesophagus is a condition in which the esophagus becomes dilated and is unable to contract to move food or water to the stomach. The evaluation will help […]

Dr. Haines demonstrating a videofluoroscopic procedure.