Animal Injury

How to tell if your pet is in pain

Pain is universal and one of the most common feelings animals can convey. Most owners can detect a limp or a painful cry, but pain that’s chronic or moderate enough to withstand takes more scrutiny to recognize. When it comes to detecting pain, you should look for a change or abnormality in your pet’s behavior. […]

Collage of animals. Clockwise from top right, bulldog, horse rolling in dirt, cow in tall grass, cat licking its paw, and a parakeet that is preening.

Common spinal injuries in dogs

What are the most common spinal injuries in dogs? Two of the most common spinal injuries in dogs are fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) and acute non-progressive nucleus pulposus extrusion. Both conditions cause temporary paralysis and weakness, particularly in the hind legs. The disorders are mainly seen in large breed dogs but can occur in miniature schnauzers […]

Dog just about to have an MRI.