Hospital Story

A puppy mill dog’s new chance

For three days, “Leah,” a charcoal gray Cane Corso, or Italian Mastiff, with a white patch on her chest had not been breathing on her own. Hooked up to a ventilator in the intensive care unit of the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital, the machine delivered each breath to her weakened body. After so much time, her owner Holli Peters wasn’t sure Leah was going to pull through. “I thought about taking her off the ventilator, because her prognosis was not good,” she says. But on the fifth day, Leah started showing signs of improvement. She was starting to breathe on her own.

Holli, Linda, and Tandy with Leah the dog in the WSU veterinary teaching hospital intensive care.

Meet Scout: One of thousands of patients that has been helped because of MRI

When “Scout,” a 9-year-old German Shepherd mix, walked into the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital, he went to work right away. Calm and obedient with friendly eyes and a large scar across the top of his head, he lies down on the mat his owner, Anne Hensley, puts down for him. She kisses his head, and […]

L-R, Scout, Anne, and Dr. Annie Chen.

A dog may once walk again thanks to the Good Samaritan Fund

On a Sunday morning in October 2012, Tara Johnson and her husband heard their dog “Juno,” a 4-year-old Husky, whimpering several yards from their house. They ran to find her lying on the ground not moving. Although they couldn’t see any bite marks through her fur, they did see saliva on her neck.

“That would be typical of a wolf attack,” said Johnson. “We’d had several wolf sightings near our house a few months before she was injured.”

Juno at a campground.


It has been more than 3 years since Chocolate first came to the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital in 2008.

Owners Kurt and Sarah Weidner with Chocolate and his favorite yellow ball.