Examining and medicating a cat’s eyes

Cats aren’t fond of being restrained and having someone put medications in their eyes, however, with some patients and practice this is a task you can complete at home. How to examine a cat’s eyes Some cats will calmly sit in your lap or on a table while you medicate their eyes, but many require […]

Categories: Animal Health, Cats

Heart valve malfunction in dogs (mitral insufficiency)

Many dogs slowly develop degenerative thickening and progressive deformity of one or more heart valves as they age. In time, these changes cause the valve, most commonly the mitral valve, to leak. While it can lead to heart failure, many dogs with the condition never show signs of the disease outside of a loud heart […]

How do you give oral medications to a cat?

Giving a cat oral medication isn’t always the easiest task, but by remaining calm and following the guidance below, you can make sure your pet gets the medications it needs. Your veterinarian will tell you if your cat’s medication should be given with food or on an empty stomach. If the tablet or capsule can […]

Lyme Disease

What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne disease (transmitted by insects or arthropods) in people, is caused by corkscrew-shaped bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, carried by ticks that transmit the infection when they feed on animals and humans. In the United States, Lyme disease occurs predominantly on the Pacific Coast, the Midwest, and Atlantic Coast […]

Antifreeze poisoning in dogs and cats

Antifreeze is extremely toxic to animals and can cause fatal kidney failure. Unfortunately, dogs and cats find the liquid quite tasty and will eagerly drink it up when given the chance. What should I do if my pet ingests antifreeze? Contact a veterinarian immediately if you see your pet drinking antifreeze or suspect it had […]