Hospital Story

Meet Mr. Bear: One of thousands of patients that has been helped because of MRI

After noticing an odd lump on his dog’s head in the spring of 2013, Joel Greenhalgh of British Columbia, Canada, took Mr. Bear, a then 11-year-old Australian Sheppard-Rottweiler mix, to his local veterinarian. At first the advice was to watch and see, but when it didn’t go away, his veterinarian took a biopsy. Mr. Bear had cancer.

David and Vernie Greenhalgh with Mr. Bear.

Patch’s Story

In September 2010 when he was only 8 months old, “Patch,” a black and white Coton-de-Tulear, tangled with a car while his owners were visiting friends in Walla Walla, Washington. After a local veterinarian examined Patch and saw the extent of his injuries, she immediately referred Dan and Kathy Schwartz of Seattle, Washington, to the […]