Understanding your pet’s lab tests

Blood and urine tests can help your veterinarian get crucial information about the health of your pet. Blood tests are often performed as a biochemistry profile, or chemistry panel, which is a collection of blood tests to screen several organs at one time. Some blood tests are very specific for a single organ, whereas other […]

Two blood samples being held by a lab technician.

Examining and medicating a dog’s eyes

If your veterinarian has prescribed medication for your dog’s eyes, don’t worry – with a little patience it can an easy task. Medicating the eyes can be messy so cover good clothes and work on a surface that is easy to clean. Some dogs will happily sit in your lap or on a table while […]

Senior Golden Labrador looking up at the camera.

Examining and medicating the ears of a dog

Most dogs don’t like having their ears examined, cleaned, or medicated, however, with a little patience and practice, you should be able to perform these tasks at home. Some dogs will happily sit in your lap or on a table while you clean or medicate their ears, but many require some form of restraint. Ear […]

Adult chocolate lab laying in the sun.

Examining and medicating a cat’s eyes

Cats aren’t fond of being restrained and having someone put medications in their eyes, however, with some patients and practice this is a task you can complete at home. How to examine a cat’s eyes Some cats will calmly sit in your lap or on a table while you medicate their eyes, but many require […]

Tabby cat with yellow eyes.

How do you give oral medications to a cat?

Giving a cat oral medication isn’t always the easiest task, but by remaining calm and following the guidance below, you can make sure your pet gets the medications it needs. Your veterinarian will tell you if your cat’s medication should be given with food or on an empty stomach. If the tablet or capsule can […]

Close up image of cat's face.

Meet Mr. Bear: One of thousands of patients that has been helped because of MRI

After noticing an odd lump on his dog’s head in the spring of 2013, Joel Greenhalgh of British Columbia, Canada, took Mr. Bear, a then 11-year-old Australian Sheppard-Rottweiler mix, to his local veterinarian. At first the advice was to watch and see, but when it didn’t go away, his veterinarian took a biopsy. Mr. Bear had cancer.

David and Vernie Greenhalgh with Mr. Bear.

Meet Scout: One of thousands of patients that has been helped because of MRI

When “Scout,” a 9-year-old German Shepherd mix, walked into the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital, he went to work right away. Calm and obedient with friendly eyes and a large scar across the top of his head, he lies down on the mat his owner, Anne Hensley, puts down for him. She kisses his head, and […]

L-R, Scout, Anne, and Dr. Annie Chen.