Pet loss and the grieving process

Young girl on a bench with a stuffed dog next to her.
Image by carmen camacho from Pixabay

Grief is a natural, necessary process

Grief after the loss of a beloved pet is a holistic, natural experience that impacts us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Try not to be afraid of your sadness and feelings of loss, because grief is a testament to the significance of the relationship that you have lost, and it is nature’s way of healing the wound. William Worden’s TEAR model describes this process in the 4 Tasks of Grief.

T=Acceptance takes time and involves both intellectual and emotional acceptance. Give yourself time to come to terms with your loss on YOUR timeline.

E=Experiencing and acknowledging the pain of loss is an important step in working through your grief. This process helps loss feel less intense over time. Feel your feelings.

A=Adjusting to a world without your pet means slowly understanding how the loss impacts your roles, responsibilities, and how you are different now (grateful) for having loved and been loved by them.

R=Reinvesting in your new reality helps you move forward with your life, while preserving an emotional connection with your pet so they remain close at heart.

Categories: Pet Loss